Conferences, community of partners, market insights and everything you need to assess, enter, and operate in an emerging market.
The Energy Circle is an exclusive global community of executives working in the field of Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Critical Minerals and Green Hydrogen. Driven by the leading sustainability experts.
On the latest investor hot spots, shared experiences and stories and sound advice relating to energy investments in emerging markets.
VISIT INSIGHTS HUBUse the Energy Circle summits as an opportunity to connect with the local communities.
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Touch upon the hottest topics & be educated by the leaders of the energy industry on best practices and latest developments.
On the latest investor hot spots, shared experiences and stories and sound advice relating to energy investments in emerging markets.
“IN-VR will continue to be our strategic partner in ensuring that all of our licensing round activities will be implemented effectively [..] and that we will reach the right investors through the pre-emptive use of digital means."
“IN-VR has successfully assisted SOBEH in promotion & communication, raising awareness on the current Benin energy opportunities in the national and international level, contributing in SOBEH’s brand identity.”
“I am happy to recommend IN-VR for their excellent level of work ethics, proven results and marketing Agency for Governments, States and the Energy industry.”
"We are working with the Ministry of Energy to be able to carry out the best regulatory framework in terms of hydrogen [..] putting us in a privileged position to carry out investments"
“We would recommend Mrs Tsouraki and her team as one of the most experienced B2G Summit organisers, with excellent knowledge and experience.”
"...Today there is a great opportunity for renewable energies, particularly because of the prices of fossil fuels such as gas, as well as setting up possibilities for the sustainable development goals"